2021 Eagle Scout Recipient Luke Monk

Luke's father Chris, mother Luciana, brother & Luke Monk.

Charles McLemore, Luke Monk- SAR Eagle Scout of the Year, Roger Rickard- President of Old Fort Smith Chapter
2020 Eagle Scout Recipient Matthew Mabry, Blytheville, AR

Arkansas State Vice President Greg Hogue and Mattthew

Arkansas Society Vice President Greg Hogue & Matthew's family, 3 Apr 2021

Blytheville First United Methodist Church is proud to announce that Matthew Mabry of Troop 104 has been awarded the title of “Arkansas Eagle Scout of the Year” by the Arkansas Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Matthew is the first member of Troop 104 to receive this distinguished recognition, which comes with a check for $1000.00.
Matthew was selected because of his character, his service, the scope of his Eagle Scout project, and the essay he submitted to the SAR. Matthew’s essay on Revolutionary War patriot Nathanael Greene was graded a perfect score by the judge, a first for an Arkansas Eagle Scout.
Matthew is an active Senior at Gosnell High School. He looks forward to attending a four-year university in the fall, and he aspires to become a research scientist. He says “It’s important to me that my work benefits humankind. It would be my dream to have my name remembered in the world of science.”
When asked about his future, Matthew also says “I want to support the troop that nurtured and supported me in my path to Eagle.” He looks forward to helping younger scouts achieve their best.
Please join us in recognizing Matthew and everyone in troops 104 and 316. Mark your calendar for our Scouting Ministries Sunday: February 21st.
#BlythevilleMethodist #ArkansasMethodists #UnitedMethodists #BFUMC #ARUMC #UMC #MethodistChurch #Scout #EagleScout #SonsoftheAmericanRevolution #SAR
2019 Eagle Scout Recipient Daniel Patrick Whelan, Springdale, AR

Eagle Scout of the Year, Daniel Patrick Whelan, General Lafayette Chapter, ARSSAR, with Daniel’s parents, Tracy and Kenneth, attending at the site of his Eagle Scout project in Springdale, AR. The framed Eagle Scout Award was presented to Daniel Patrick Whelan by Gen. Lafayette Chapter President Richard O’Connell.
2018 Eagle Scout Recipient Sean A. Roades, Jonesboro, AR
Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Award
The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) invites all Eagle Scouts (under 19 years of age) interested in the American Revolution to participate in the Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Award. The contest is open to all Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and have not reached their nineteenth birthday during the year of application. While the preliminary rounds of the contest begin at the local level, Scouts may eventually advance to the state or national levels, eventually held in June during the annual SAR Congress, and awarded up to $10,000.
College plans do not have to be completed in order to receive the cash award. Three cash awards are given: the National First Place Winner receives $10,000; the Runner-up receives $6,000; and the 2nd Runner-up receives $4,000. Scouts may apply more than one year if he meets the age requirements, but no more than $10,000 total may be granted to any one Eagle Scout. Prizes and recognition may also be awarded at the SAR chapter and society level. Each Eagle Scout must complete an application form, a four-generation ancestor chart, and a 500-word patriotic themed essay.
The competition is conducted in three phases: the local chapter, state-level society, and national phases. The competition is usually entered at the chapter level, though in some cases, the competition may be entered at the society level. Applicants may not enter at the national level. Contest entrants need complete only one application for the SAR chapter-level competition. The application of the chapter-level winner is forwarded to be used in the society- and national-level competitions by the SAR as appropriate. A complete set of rules, along with the application for both the applicant and the sponsoring SAR members, can be found below. Please be aware that the local application deadline dates may vary, so interested applicants should reach out to their local SAR Chapter for further details.
2017 Eagle Scout Recipient Noah Smith, Brookland, AR