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War Service

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Military Service

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Precedence: 4

Year Authorized: 1899

Presented By: National Society, State Society, Chapter (or purchased by a Compatriot)

Approved By: NSSAR Veterans Recognition Committee, State Society or Chapter

Description: The medal is bronze in color. The medal is available in miniature. A War Service Medal certificate is available. Bronze Service Bars or Oak Leaf Clusters may be attached to the ribbon drape as described below.

Summary: The War Service Medal was first authorized in 1899 for members who served in the Spanish-American War. It was subsequently authorized for members who served in World War I and World War II. Following World War II, the NSSAR authorized a generic War Service Medal with specific service periods indicated by bronze bars.

Proof of Service: Proof of service, in the form of a copy of the member's discharge (or other U.S. or Allied Government proof in the case of a member in active service), must be presented to the NSSAR Veterans Recognition Committee, State Society Secretary or Chapter secretary (depending on presenting authority) before the medal can be purchased and/or worn. Such proof must show that the Compatriot:

1. served, or is serving, honorably in:

   a. the armed forces of the United States,

   b. the military forces of a country allied with the United States, or

   c. a United Nations Peace Keeping Force; and

2. served against a common enemy in a war or action recognized by a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States; and

3. received a campaign medal, combat ribbon or badge as shown on the DD-214 form (or equivalent). Note: The National Defense Service Medal is not considered a campaign medal for purposes of qualifying for the War Service Medal.


Medal Devices & Attachments: The following attachments are authorized for wear with the full sized War Service Medal:

ï‚· Bronze Service Bars indicate that a Compatriot received an authorized campaign medal during a specific qualifying period. Available bronze bars include: WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Southwest Asia, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Global War on Terrorism (for service associated with the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal).


ï‚· Oak Leaf Clusters may be worn (1) to recognize participation in a war or action for which a specific Bronze Service Bar is not available, or (2) in lieu of a Bronze Service Bar or multiple Bronze Service Bars (at the Compatriot’s discretion).


ï‚· A Purple Heart Pin may be worn by a Compatriot who received the Purple Heart from one of the United States Armed Forces.

Cloth Ribbon: A ribbon bar in the colors of the medal drape with a “W” device may be worn by a Compatriot whose uniformed organization permits wear of such ribbons


Subsequent Presentation Authorized: A Compatriot may receive additional Bronze Service Bars or Oak Leaf Clusters for subsequent qualifying war service.

Special Note on Precedence: The War Service Medal and Military Service Medal have equivalent precedence. However, Compatriots who qualify for the War Service Medal should wear the War Service Medal. A Compatriot may not wear both the Military Service Medal and the War Service Medal.

Precedence: 4

Year Authorized: 2006

Presented By: National Society, State Society, Chapter (or purchased by a Compatriot)

Approved By: NSSAR Veterans Recognition Committee, State Society or Chapter

Summary: The Military Service Medal, authorized in 2006, may be presented to a Compatriot in recognition of military service which does not otherwise qualify for the War Service Medal.

Proof of Service: Proof of service, in the form of a copy of the member's discharge (or other U.S. or Allied Government proof in the case of a member in active service), must be provided to the NSSAR Veterans Recognition Committee, State Society Secretary or Chapter secretary (depending on presenting authority) before the medal can be purchased and/or worn. Such proof must show that the Compatriot served, or is serving, honorably in:

(1) the armed forces of the United States,

(2) the military forces of a country allied with the United States, or (3) a United Nations Peace Keeping Force.

Medal Devices & Attachments: A Purple Heart Pin may be worn on the full-sized Military Service Medal by a Compatriot who received the Purple Heart from one of the United States’ Armed Forces.

Cloth Ribbon: A ribbon bar in the colors of the medal drape with an “M” device may be worn by a Compatriot whose uniformed organization permits wear of such ribbons.

Subsequent Presentation NOT Authorized: A Compatriot may receive this medal only once. Oak leaf clusters or other ribbon attachments are not authorized.

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